The Prayers





The original concept for this edition of The Psychedelic Prayers (as discussed with Timothy Leary & Rosemary in Switzerland), was to print the prayers in the form of currency.  Each prayer represented a 'value',  (one may say 'a token or NFT' in the age of bitcoin).  As such, the boarder design, created & executed by Micheal Green, (a member of the League for Spiritual Discovery) serves as a unique identification pattern. 

At the top center of the boarder design is the League for Spiritual Discovery Seal. On the Center left border is the Yin/Yang. On the right center border, the Seal of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. At the bottom 'In Tao We Trust' .. The script was created by Daniel Raphael.  All pages were printed in purple ink.

"The Psychedelic Prayers provide the spiritual seeker with an unsurpassed guidebook to the realization of the highest potentials of the human mind and of these amazing substances."  

                                                 Ralph Metzner, Sonoma CA Oct 1991 


A set is comprised of 49 prayers, each page is numbered. The set numbering began with B301. (it was thought to have been the 3rd edition of the prayers, as the two earliest printings were privately done and mistakenly not considered).


"The fifth North American edition is the most rare and unique. Only 100 sets were printed in purple ink, with each poem on a seperate leaf having a border design depicting plants executed by Michael Green...."        1997  Michael Horowitz  (Leary Archivist).                               (Note Less than eighteen sets have survived, most were distroyed in a flood.)